Our Guides

At Adventure Trails Hikes, we employ local guides who know and understand the local terrain, but also have insight into the culture and history of the area. We believe in working with local communities to offer once-in-a-lifetime adventures that benefit everyone.

Our guides are passionate about hiking and exploring the world by taking time to appreciate nature's small wonders and magnificent beauty. They will point out areas of interest, and will answer questions about flora and fauna found along the trail.

All of our guides have extensive training and experience in leading hiking groups, and can adjust the hike and itinerary to match different skill levels. All have first-aid certification and are expert navigators of the various routes.

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Sustainable tourism is important to us. Our world has amazing natural resources, and it is important that future generations can enjoy them as well. Not only do we want to ensure we don’t damage natural resources and local communities, but we want to work together to help them flourish.

Ethical travel Our trips are planned with both environmental and cultural sustainability in mind, with the goal of leaving the smallest ecological footprint on the hiking area. Participants are expected to respect their hiking trail and behave accordingly.

Local connections Adventure Trails works closely with local organizations to ensure that much of the profit goes back to the local communities. This may be in the form of infrastructure and trail maintenance to supporting local businesses and communities.

Respect for nature Many of our hikes include extra activities such as bird watching and short courses on edible local plants.

Culture In the interest of cultural exchange and sustainability Adventure Trails also includes cultural activities, which include experiences of various local customs, dress, theatre, dance, and music.

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Health & Safety

Be prepared Adventure Trails has your enjoyment in mind, and this is also based on your safety and well-being. While we will always do our utmost to ensure an pleasurable trek, it helps if you prepare yourself. Read up on the trip you are going to take, look at the links we provide, and make sure you come with suitable clothing and footwear.

Be realistic Scaling a 2,000 meter summit may seem possible from the perspective of your living room, but you need to make sure you are in good enough shape to do so! While it may be tempting to book the most demanding trail for your first hike, it may make sense to start with something a little easier. If you have a medical condition this also should be taken into account. Some trips may require vaccinations, be sure to check on the details provided.

Be humble Some cultures may frown on certain forms of dress or behaviour, and it is expected that our travellers respect these customs, regardless of whether or not one agrees with them. Our environmental policy is "leave a place tidier than you found it". It is taken as a given that our guests show respect for the environment, such that future travellers also may enjoy it.

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